Saturday, October 30, 2010



           Podcasting was not a brand new concept for me but I definitely learned some interesting things about it this week. Podcasting can be used in the classroom many different ways that I personally never thought about before. First of all the class or individual students can create a podcast for their classroom. I thought about our sixth graders for this because there are three different classes for each homeroom teacher. So the students could use this a s a way to collaborate with each other between different homerooms. For example, 6A could do a podcast and collaborate with 6B and 6C. Another thing I learned was students can create and share their own experiences of the outside world during class projects. They can record different sounds or examples of the topic they are working on.
            Podcasting is different from what we have studied thus far in the way that blogs and wiki's are mainly to be read, podcasts are to be listened to.  You can share the same things but it's heard in a different way. I know that some students will definitely benefit from this because there are those students that definitely learn more from hearing it not reading it.
            I myself do own an iPod, iPad, and and iPhone. I use the iPod for mainly music and video storage. However, I have seen several apps that can be used in the classroom and I have  considered using them. Different game type apps that could be a fun interactive way to incorporate technology into the classroom. Some advantages of online communication tools with students are, the benefits of the education that students receive on safety and technology will benefit them far into their future, and you can offer supervision while exploring this technology. A couple of disadvantages of this would be the safety of yourself and students as well as parental and district approval of this type of teaching at times.


  1. Wow, Annie! you love technology, dont you? :)


  2. At first I was not for buying the latest and the greatest, but my husband really is and now I enjoy it. :)
