Saturday, October 2, 2010

copy right/fair use laws

          We have to respect and obey copy right and fair use laws because they are the law. They are just like obeying the speed limit. If you get caught breaking the law you WILL suffer consequences! I believe that as educators we have to be knowledgeable so we can not only keep our self out of trouble but we can show our students how to stay out of trouble as well! Copy right laws are those that protect people that create/write books/articles/videos from people basically stealing/taking credit for their hard work. Fair use laws allow educators to use certain content but with certain limitations and guidelines. I will try to teach my students to follow these laws by integrating lessons over this as well as post websites/articles that give reminders and pointers to follow as we research the Internet for research.
          Online safety is different from cyber bullying. Online safety is what we practice to try to avoid cyber bullying. Online safety helps us and our students and those who access the Internet safe from wrong doing. Cyber bullying is unwanted harassment, language, or abuse of any sort over the Internet. We can protect our self and students by educating them on what and when to share information, as well as what information to NEVER share. I think if we let students know what is appropriate behavior online for them as well as everyone else it will help them to know if they come in contact with cyberbullying. Lastly, I want to make sure my students know how and who to report bullying to.
           I enjoyed this weeks activities. I thought I knew more than it turned out. I wasn't all that familiar with fair use laws but after reviewing them I feel better. I had to review both sets of laws to make sure that I was fully understanding of all of the laws. In my opinion if I am not fully educated on something I will NOT be successful at teaching it.

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