Saturday, October 9, 2010

e portfolio

      Assessment activities provide teachers with the information on how little or much that their students understand and retain of the knowledge that was taught. These activities can also be integrated into instruction and provide additional learning experiences. When a teacher understands what a student knows and where there are learning gaps they are able to re-teach or plan for future lessons accordingly.

         E-Portfolio’s are a collection of evidence showing what a group or individual learned. This can show teachers what students have learned over a period of time. E-Portfolios give the students an opportunity to show off their skills or knowledge of a particular subject matter, and are designed to show to an audience. They can also show future employers their potential like a resume`.  Computer based tests exams or assessments taken on the computer that is generated for use more than one time or for more than one group of students.  The use of these types of tests gives students and teachers more confidence in the reliability and validity of the testing process. Grading is faster for this type of test and more reliable. All around there is less room for concern of human error or skewing of any grades or favoritism.
         I enjoyed reading about e-portfolios and computer-based tests. I know that I have always had some concern with online test because I felt that some were “rigged”. But after doing some research on it I think that passing some online assessments can be better for the student and teacher. The student can have confidence that the test scores are accurate and unbiased. The teacher can have more time for teaching because she is not making up new tests constantly, and doesn’t have to worry about making mistakes while grading and recording.  


Brualdi, Amy (1998). Implementing performance assessment in the classroom. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluating, 6(2). Retrieved October 6, 2010 from

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology, Third Edition. 

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