Saturday, December 4, 2010


      After reading on Gee's principles of probing I believe that active, critical learning principle is important because this includes all aspects of the learning environment. The identity principle because this allows the learner to have real choices and plays with different identities. Lastly, I like the discovery principle because the telling is kept to a minimum and allow the learners to experiment and make discoveries.
     If I created a simulation for my class the activity I think I would support would be math. I would like to create a simulation where students can purchase things from different stores, learn to manage, and earn money. There would be "real-life" consequences for overdrawing bank accounts, writing hot checks, etc.
    By giving students different ways to learn we allow each student to reach their personal goals and fullest. The technologies and principles support this type of teaching.

 References: Jonassen, D (2008) Meaningful Learning with Technology. Third Edition

Saturday, November 27, 2010


    Technology based rubrics are rubrics that sets boundaries or basis for students to follow on a certain assignment or task. With a rubric students know their guidelines before starting and can follow along to make sure they are on the right path. I believe that if you can show students the expectations you will have a much better outcome with the end results.
    Clicker assessment tools are small wireless keypads with alphanumeric keypads that are linked to a computer. (Duncan, 2005; Hafner, 2004). Students can use these during classroom discussions to respond to questions. I like this technology because it allows students to be interactive with the discussion by other ways other than sitting and raising their hands and responding. A great example of using this in  a classroom is to allow every student to respond to a question then giving the correct answers. This can give the teacher feedback on where she may need to reteach or clarify what the students believe to be true.
     Inspiration and kidspiration software is a software that can be purchased to help students know and learn new concepts.  Kidspiration can be used for reading, writing, and math skills. I think this could be used in the classroom during any extra learning time that students can get on and practice skills that the teacher thinks they may need a little extra help with. These software's give students games as well as offer lesson plans for teachers to incorporate into their teaching time.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., Crismond, D. (2008) Meaningful learning with technology. pulled 11/27/10

Saturday, November 20, 2010


       Digital storytelling is a way for students to tell a story online independently or with partners. This is a great way of retelling a story or creating their own story. I think this is a wonderful way of bringing technology into a classroom.
       Mathematics is a very important part of education now and using technology can be a very helpful key to students that struggle with visualizing math. One way that our book states that you can integrate technology into math is visualizing geography with geographic information systems. GIS is a system that stores, retrieves, displays, analysis and manipulates geographic data. This system allows students to construct maps, create charts and tables to summarize data they find. Another way to integrate technology with math is using graphing calculators . Students that use these calculators can make connections between what is happening mathematically to a picture of a graph or formula. Students can also use video cameras or digital cameras to make math more real. You are able to put real life into mathematical situations.
       I believe that a person can learn from watching  television, however, I think there needs to be alternate learning methods as well. I know with my daughter she can pick up many great ideas from the television (as well as bad ones). But I think that students learn from different learning styles and so learning from television alone may work for some but not for all.

Saturday, October 30, 2010



           Podcasting was not a brand new concept for me but I definitely learned some interesting things about it this week. Podcasting can be used in the classroom many different ways that I personally never thought about before. First of all the class or individual students can create a podcast for their classroom. I thought about our sixth graders for this because there are three different classes for each homeroom teacher. So the students could use this a s a way to collaborate with each other between different homerooms. For example, 6A could do a podcast and collaborate with 6B and 6C. Another thing I learned was students can create and share their own experiences of the outside world during class projects. They can record different sounds or examples of the topic they are working on.
            Podcasting is different from what we have studied thus far in the way that blogs and wiki's are mainly to be read, podcasts are to be listened to.  You can share the same things but it's heard in a different way. I know that some students will definitely benefit from this because there are those students that definitely learn more from hearing it not reading it.
            I myself do own an iPod, iPad, and and iPhone. I use the iPod for mainly music and video storage. However, I have seen several apps that can be used in the classroom and I have  considered using them. Different game type apps that could be a fun interactive way to incorporate technology into the classroom. Some advantages of online communication tools with students are, the benefits of the education that students receive on safety and technology will benefit them far into their future, and you can offer supervision while exploring this technology. A couple of disadvantages of this would be the safety of yourself and students as well as parental and district approval of this type of teaching at times.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blog Posting

  I think that using wiki's and blogs would work well during group projects and research projects. I think for the older students this would give them opportunity expressing themselves on a blog. I can have feedback from the students and this can help me with my future planning on lessons.

  I like the social bookmarking idea, although I have no experience with it. I am one of those people that have everything on a favorites list. This could be a very useful tool for my students to organize their favorites and be able to put it in an order that suits them. Creating a voice thread sounds somewhat interesting to me because I feel that this can be a more personal way of communicating opposed to reading discussions. This can be a good way to incorporate technology into  younger classrooms or those with disabilities.

  I have not explored Tapped In except for the textbook. I learned that Tapped In is a  website a campus/district can purchase and it allows the employees to collaborate and learn with other educators. They can create blogs/chats, calendars, and learn how to incorporated technology into classrooms in different ways.

Honassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., Crismond, D. (2008) Meaningful Learning With Technology, Third Edition

Saturday, October 9, 2010

e portfolio

      Assessment activities provide teachers with the information on how little or much that their students understand and retain of the knowledge that was taught. These activities can also be integrated into instruction and provide additional learning experiences. When a teacher understands what a student knows and where there are learning gaps they are able to re-teach or plan for future lessons accordingly.

         E-Portfolio’s are a collection of evidence showing what a group or individual learned. This can show teachers what students have learned over a period of time. E-Portfolios give the students an opportunity to show off their skills or knowledge of a particular subject matter, and are designed to show to an audience. They can also show future employers their potential like a resume`.  Computer based tests exams or assessments taken on the computer that is generated for use more than one time or for more than one group of students.  The use of these types of tests gives students and teachers more confidence in the reliability and validity of the testing process. Grading is faster for this type of test and more reliable. All around there is less room for concern of human error or skewing of any grades or favoritism.
         I enjoyed reading about e-portfolios and computer-based tests. I know that I have always had some concern with online test because I felt that some were “rigged”. But after doing some research on it I think that passing some online assessments can be better for the student and teacher. The student can have confidence that the test scores are accurate and unbiased. The teacher can have more time for teaching because she is not making up new tests constantly, and doesn’t have to worry about making mistakes while grading and recording.  


Brualdi, Amy (1998). Implementing performance assessment in the classroom. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluating, 6(2). Retrieved October 6, 2010 from

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology, Third Edition. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

copy right/fair use laws

          We have to respect and obey copy right and fair use laws because they are the law. They are just like obeying the speed limit. If you get caught breaking the law you WILL suffer consequences! I believe that as educators we have to be knowledgeable so we can not only keep our self out of trouble but we can show our students how to stay out of trouble as well! Copy right laws are those that protect people that create/write books/articles/videos from people basically stealing/taking credit for their hard work. Fair use laws allow educators to use certain content but with certain limitations and guidelines. I will try to teach my students to follow these laws by integrating lessons over this as well as post websites/articles that give reminders and pointers to follow as we research the Internet for research.
          Online safety is different from cyber bullying. Online safety is what we practice to try to avoid cyber bullying. Online safety helps us and our students and those who access the Internet safe from wrong doing. Cyber bullying is unwanted harassment, language, or abuse of any sort over the Internet. We can protect our self and students by educating them on what and when to share information, as well as what information to NEVER share. I think if we let students know what is appropriate behavior online for them as well as everyone else it will help them to know if they come in contact with cyberbullying. Lastly, I want to make sure my students know how and who to report bullying to.
           I enjoyed this weeks activities. I thought I knew more than it turned out. I wasn't all that familiar with fair use laws but after reviewing them I feel better. I had to review both sets of laws to make sure that I was fully understanding of all of the laws. In my opinion if I am not fully educated on something I will NOT be successful at teaching it.